Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Post-rehearsal analysis

I've just come back from a rehearsal and there's good and bad news.

The good, is that Lauren was there, the bad is that she's away Sunday until Wednesday. She suggested somebody else should play because of her commitments and she didn't want to let us down. Having not had a chance to see the music before the rehearsal, I suggested she play with us for the night, and if she was able to play the material easily then I'd be happy to carry on with her playing.
Jon is going to ring her tomorrow to see how she feels.

Everybody now has music for Act II, and the wind players also have a CD of the Kontakt recording (of all 3 acts) plus solo parts. I ran out of time to do CDs for the other guys so they will be on the way tomorrow.

It was a difficult rehearsal for a number of reasons: I forgot to bring my guitar music, but I did bring the score on laptop. Jon had to work so it was difficult to cue people and play at the same time, so we did have to restart sections a fair bit. However, it sounded tighter than ever and I could tell that everybody had been practicing hard.

The girls asked about folders and have very graciously offered to go and buy some for their music. That's saved me an added expense and something else to try to remember!

They also asked about dress code which I will up as a separate post.

And to make sure it wasn't all pressure and there was some fun, we finished the night with a round of Blind Penalties!


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