Simon and Dan visit
Today Si and Dan came around to see how the musical arrangements were progressing. Having already given them a CD of the source music, plus their parts (so far) for Act III, they were having trouble equating the original pieces with the arrangements. However, I played them the Sibelius files of Acts I and III and now they can more clearly see how each song segues into the next.
Simon ended up sight singing his bass line as the music played, which gave me a lot of confidence that he will be able to learn the three acts with a minimum of fuss.
Dan explained that he'll have to learn the performance by heart as there will be no chance for page turns during the event. I personally think that if the page turns are placed correctly that there will not be as large a problem, and that at least Jon will be conducting.
Dan also suggested that having only 2 tone kettle drums for the whole performance might be pushing things slightly, so at least for Act III I've kicked the kettle drums out of the finale, and (am in the process of) replacing them with militaristic snare and tom rolls instead.
I can say with some certainty that the final version of Act III (at least so far that the piece selection and transitions between them) will be completed by the end of tomorrow; then it's just a case of changing things when the live musicians pass comment.
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